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deposition A deposition is the taking of oral testimony from parties and witnesses while these individuals are under oath.  Depositions are authorized by the State’s Rules of Civil Procedure.  If you are the injured party in a lawsuit, your deposition is likely to be scheduled by the defendant’s attorney in that attorney’s office.  Prior to your deposition, Parham will meet with you to prepare you for the defense attorney’s questions and to refresh your recollection as to the facts of your case, some of which may have taken place several years earlier.  Parham will also accompany you to the deposition.

There will be a court reporter present who will be taking down every word said by the testifying individual (deponent) and the attorneys.  The court reporter’s verbatim notes will later be transcribed into booklet form for use at the trial or arbitration hearing.  Generally, the purpose of the deposition is to learn about the case, lock the deponent into his/her testimony and to assist an attorney in impeaching a witness in the event that the witness changes his/her testimony at trial or arbitration.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, motorcycle accident or pedestrian accident, reach out to the experienced lawyers at Select Law. With our extensive experience in the legal field, we know what it takes to win your case. Call us at (425) 891-6691 to arrange your FREE CONSULTATION with an experienced attorney (in person, phone, zoom or your residence/hospital)


Parham Hakimi

Parham Hakimi is the founder of Select Law. Parham is passionate
about helping clients get a fresh start and victims who have
been wronged by the acts of others... Read more

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